
designer_replica Ulysse Nardin 263-67-3-4 Men's watch a good thing you may ask

designer_replica Ulysse Nardin 263-67-3-4 Men's watch A question I am often asked is what exactly is the fluorescent specification in diamonds and is it good or bad to have?We atwww.JewelleryWebShop.co.ukbelieve that it is and will always recommend them.Well to answer this question one must understand what it is that makes a diamond fluoresce when shown under ultra violet light.Diamond formationDiamonds were created under extreme temperatures and pressures.During their formation some carbon deposits were subjected to these conditions and the diamond crystal was formed.In certain cases, some gases were present and were, within the reaction, included in the formation of the diamond crystal.It is in fact these gases which cause the fluorescence within the diamond crystal and depending on the amount of gas trapped, the diamond will fluoresce in different way.Diamond gradingThe fluorescent parameter is shown on a diamond grading report as ‘nil’, ‘faint’, ‘medium’designer_replica Ulysse Nardin 263-67-3-4 Men's watch and strong/distinct.Fluorescence in diamonds is mostly within shades of blue, however, other colours are possible, ie: green, orange and yellow depending on the kind of gas trapped within the crystalization of the diamond.A good or bad thingIs it a good thing you may ask.Well indeed, in most cases it will not affect the brilliance/sparkle or light refractive qualities of the diamond at all and in some cases the beauty of the cut diamond will benefit from its presence.If the fluorescence is ‘strong’, it will in fact enhance the colour of the diamond especially in the colours from ‘I’ colour downwards as the blue tint, under sunlight, will show a better colour than the designer_replica Ulysse Nardin 263-67-3-4 Men's watch